Violent and Gore [commercial]
Hey!Let me introduce You, the great doctor Gore!(exactly prof. dr hab. Gore xD).
This single, 35 years old man is the oldest Violent's stepbrother (from the same father). The most he's interested in science, experiments, new medical technology; in Violent's mafia (New Sun) he mostly work on new kind of narcotics; don't fight to much often. As his weapon and medical equipment he use something like drill (but it's shooting too). While Violent has bad taste, Gore hasn't taste at all xD They've known each other since birth, but they didn't grown up together. Their contacts started be a bit closer, when Violent began doctorate study (and his gang turining into one of the most powerful mafia).
My ocs have (of course) many special powers (but I'll write about them other time...); anyway... in acient time people with these skills could be called gods or heroes, 'today' some of them are famous. For example Three Great Doctors: the secund- dr Violent, third- dr Gore. About first one I'll told you when I'll draw him
I almost forget to add- Gore is the most nice of my characters; he has golden heart!xD (while Violent just like wear gold xDD)
dr Violent, prof. dr hab. Gore (c) Me

From - Original post 14Oct2013